Phoenix Point Successfully Funded, First Post-funding Update

The Phoenix Point Fig campaign is now officially over, with $765,948 pledged. Now it’s time for the Slacker Backers to pitch in, if they want to make the second, $850,000 stretch goal a reality. The project’s first post-funding update outlines Snapshot Games’ future plans. Here’s what they are:

What’s Next for Phoenix Point?

We are now busy recruiting new members for our team, with 4 confirmed appointments already – all due to start in July. The Fig campaign has helped immensely to attract some very talented people. The aim is to reach around 30 developers before the end of the year. You can rest assured that we will be able to build a super team here at our Sofia studio.

The team will be focussing on several areas of the project over the next three months

  • Realistic ballistics system for combat
  • Destructible environments
  • Faction haven structures
  • Humanoid animation and mutation systems
  • Strategic game systems and geoscape view

We will shortly be setting up an official Phoenix Point discussion forum.

In the meanwhile, please check the Phoenix Point subreddit for discussions – developers will be there!

We will keep you updated on our progress every monthy with videos, concepts, interviews, Q&As and more.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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