Phoenix Point Post-funding Update #20

The first post-funding update for Snapshot Games’ Phoenix Point informs us that we’ll be able to see some early gameplay footage during the currently ongoing E3 on Tuesday, June 13th. It also announces the launch of the studio’s official Twitter channel and Discord server, and mentions some Chaos Reborn-related things. Here’s an excerpt:

Phoenix Point Comes to E3

Julian travelled to Los Angeles on Sunday to head up some business meetings at E3. On Tuesday, Snapshot Games will be teaming up with Alienware and a new, zero latency streaming service called Caffeine. Julian will be streaming the developer build of Phoenix Point LIVE from E3. The stream will take place at midday PST (3pm EST / 8pm BST / 9pm CET).


Chaos Reborn Keys

Some of you have been asking when you will be receiving your Chaos Reborn Key. We are still waiting for the last few Fig pledges to finish processing, and we intend to start sending out an email survey to backers next week to establish if you require a GoG key or a Steam key. Once we have your replies, keys should start to be dispatched via email in the following weeks.

Chaos Reborn Crowdsourcing Translators

Chaos Reborn has already been translated into many different languages. However, we’d like it to be accessible to as many players as possible in their native language. Snapshot are reaching out to our multilingual community to ask for your help in translating Chaos Reborn into a number of other tongues. If you can speak another language and are interested in helping to translate Chaos Reborn, then send us an email to contact[at]

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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