Phoenix Point Development Update, Release Delayed to December

The latest development update for Snapshot Games’ Phoenix Point introduces us to a number of units belonging to the game’s mutation-prone Disciples of Anu faction. The update then directs us to the official forums where we can learn that Phoenix Point is no longer scheduled for a September release and is now expected to launch sometime in December. Here’s more on that:

Hi, fans and backers,

As you know, our small team has – from day one – tried our best to exceed your expectations with Phoenix Point. Our number-one goal throughout development has been to make a game that we will enjoy and remember for a long time to come.

While the development team is working hard, and Phoenix Point is shaping up really well, we now know we’re going to need more time to get it to meet our very high standards. As you probably know, Snapshot has a commitment to keep crunch to a minimum – and that is a commitment we take very seriously. Therefore, because we know we have more work than we have time, we will be delaying the release of game from September 3, 2019 to December, 2019.

We know this is not our first delay, and we are very sorry to the fans who we know are highly anticipating getting their hands on Phoenix Point. No one is more disappointed than we are, but we collectively agree that we would rather miss a launch date than ship something that does not meet our exacting standards. We want the Phoenix Point you play to be one of your favorite games of all time, and that means we need a bit more time.

We know this is a significant delay. The good news is that Backer Build 5 will be releasing on our original launch date, September 3, 2019, meaning backers and early-access buyers will be able to play a much more robust version of Phoenix Point very soon.

Please play Backer Build 5 and give us your feedback. If you’re willing, please opt in to our in-game analytics to help us tune and balance the game. Above all, talk to us.

As always, feel free to communicate with the team via our official Twitter, our Discord server, or here in our forums. We want to know what you think.

Thank you for your patience and for helping us make Phoenix Point the best game it can be.

With our fondest regards,

The Phoenix Point Dev Team

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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