Pete Hines Interview

HomeLAN’s series of Q&As with game industry pros looking back at 2003 and looking forward to 2004 continues with Pete Hines, the PR manager for Bethesda Softworks. Here’s a quick snip:

Q: What was your favorite game or games that was released in 2003 and why?

A: Man, that’s tough. I played mostly stuff on the Xbox, which is definitely my favorite platform now over PC and, well, anything else. I played a ridiculous amount of NCAA Football 2004, because that game is so well done and I love leading Wake Forest to national championships. I didn’t play EA’s LotR until earlier this year but I thought that and Dark Alliance were very, very well done hack-n-slash games. I had a great time finishing both of those. Call of Duty was just excellent…great level design…and probably the game I enjoyed playing the most, start to finish. I was bummed when it was over.

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