PC Gaming Market Grew 20% in 2010

After years of hearing that PC gaming is dead, here’s an almost impossible-sounding countervoice, as the PC Gaming Alliance and market research firm DFC Intelligence publish a report indicating the PC Gaming market grew 20% last year, with digital download growth and expansion in China seeing the industry reach $16.2 billion in revenue.

The report points out China as the “largest and fastest growing market for PC games” after hitting a record $4.8 billion for 2010. “Mature” game markets like Korea, Japan, United States, United Kingdom, and Germany grew a total of 19 percent last year to generate $7.3 billion.


“The spotlight has definitely shifted back to the PC game market,” claims PCGA president and Intel analyst Matt Ployhar. “A few of the biggest factors fueling this movement are innovative business models making games more accessible with digital distribution, free to play, and online; along with game formats embracing the shifts occurring in the evolution of the PC ecosystem to remain more profitable.

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