Patch 1.40 Release Notes (Test)

Sanya has posted the version 1.4 patch notes from Pendragon over on Camelot Herald. Looks like Hibernia is getting a nice increase to their spell lines:

    – Spells from the Magician Aura of Turning line in the Way of the Moon list can now be cast on friendly realm mates – previously they could only be cast on yourself.

    – The range on the Wizard’s Explosive Blast line and the Eldritch’s Lesser Null Squall AE Direct Damage have been slightly increased.

    – New area-effect direct damage line in the Mentalist Illusions (light spec) list:
    3 Deluge of Illusion
    7 Flood of Illusion
    13 Sea of Illusion
    19 Rush of Illusion
    26 Flux of Illusion
    34 Inundation of Illusion
    44 Cataclysm of Illusion

    – New area-effect root line in the Druid’s Nature specialization track:
    4 Patch of Ivy
    10 Patch of Vines
    16 Patch of Tangleweed
    22 Field of Ivy
    29 Field of Vines
    39 Field of Tangleweed
    49 Expanse of Tangleweed

    – New Constitution buff added to Naturalist’s Nurture base track:
    5 Oak’s Stoutness
    11 Oak’s Stamina
    15 Oak’s Girth
    24 Redwood’s Stoutness
    33 Redwood’s Stamina
    43 Redwood’s Girth

    – New group heal added to Druid’s Regrowth spec track:
    13 Healing Conflux
    22 Renewing Conflux
    34 Restoring Conflux
    44 Reviving Conflux

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