Gaming News

How Nightdive Studios Brought Back System Shock

A feature article on GameInformer takes a detailed look at how a small indie team, Nightdive Studios, has managed to acquire the rights to the System Shock franchise. What started as just a desire to play System Shock 2 on…

Secret World Legends Launch Date Announced

We now know the launch date for Secret World Legends. This reimagining of Funcom’s supernatural MMO, The Secret World, as a free-to-play shared world RPG is coming to Steam on June 26, 2017. It promises to put more focus on…

Divinity: Original Sin II Update #36 – Game Master Mode

One of the stretch goals during the Kickstarter campaign for Larian’s Divinity: Original Sin II was a so-called Game Master Mode. The latest Kickstarter update brings us up to speed on that. Reminiscent of the module editor for Neverwinter Nights,…

Richard Cobbett on Unique RPG Settings

Richard Cobbett laments the lack of originality in RPG settings in his latest RPG Scrollbars column on Rock, Paper, Shotgun. In an ‘exception proves the rule’ sort of way, he lists a number of games that do have unique and…

Tim Lang Video Interview, Part Two

Matt Barton is back with another episode of his Matt Chat show, featuring Tim Lang. This one focuses on Lang’s involvement with the Might and Magic series. A lot of great stuff and personal anecdotes in there. Check it out:

Expeditions: Viking Upcoming Fixes

A developer post on the Expeditions: Viking Steam page outlines the current plans for the upcoming patch 1.0.3. The team is busy trying to fix quest logic and game crashes, and when they’re not doing that, they’re squashing minor bugs…

Knights of the Chalice 2 Development Update

Development updates for Knights of the Chalice II, an upcoming RPG based on the Dungeons & Dragons Open Game License, are locked behind a paywall on the developer’s forums. However, thanks to RPG Codex we have a convenient way to…

The Murderous History of Mimics

Having dealt with mimics for so many years across Dungeons & Dragons tabletop campaigns, D&D-based video games like Baldur’s Gate and DDO, the Ultima series, and more recent titles such as Dark Souls, I suppose it only makes sense that…

Overwatch Loot Box Odds

Blizzard Forced to Reveal Loot Box Odds

If you’re ever wondering just what the chances are of getting that shiny Overwatch legendary skin or that rare hearthstone card well a Chinese law has stated that Blizzard have to publish those odds. Well, not specifically but in essence…

Secret World Legends Developer Livestream

After its initial announcement, the re-release of The Secret World has managed to slip under our radar. However, recently the developers at Funcom held a livestream session playing and talking about the game for about an hour. We get to…