Gaming News

The Surge “Accolades” Trailer

With a promise to announce “a post-launch roadmap” in the coming days, Focus Home and Deck13 took advantage of some of the pleasantries being tossed around for their newly released action RPG The Surge by issuing a 76-second “accolades” trailer.…

Demons Age Release Date Announced, Trailer

After its original announcement back in 2015, the debut of a “Background Story” video, and the launch of a Gamescom 2016 trailer, Bigmoon Entertainment pretty much went dark about their multi-platform, party-based RPG Demon Age. Until now, anyway, as they’ve…

Mass Effect: Andromeda Patch 1.07 Released

Over the weekend, BioWare quietly released a new v1.07 patch for Mass Effect: Andromeda, though this tweet from producer Mike Gamble indicates that it’s only a “hotfix” with limited scope. There’s more info on the official forums, but Mike’s short…

Entropys Fall Indie Shout Out Header

Entropy’s Fall Launches IndieGoGo Campaign

Entropy’s Fall by Poor Small Studio is a 2D adventure game that tells a tale of revenge and duty and gives you the opportunity of defeating large powerful godlike creatures. They have launched their IndieGoGo campaign so we thought we’d…

Alexis Kennedy on Writing the Next Dragon Age Game

With all the recent talk of BioWare scaling down and focusing on a new IP, people tend to forget about the other major BioWare property – Dragon Age. To remedy that, Alexis Kennedy of Fallen London fame has spoken to…

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Update #33

The latest Fig update for Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire is a bit on the shorter side. It has some information regarding Fig Game Shares, a couple of reminders for the backers, and a preview of Maia Rua, an Aumaua…

Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition Easter Eggs

Planescape: Torment is a game chock-full of real world references and various Easter eggs. The latest post on Beamdog’s blog describes a couple of them. And while some are quite obvious, there are several that lean towards the obscure. It’s…

Low Magic Age Revealed on Steam Early Access

Back in January, the team at Low Magic Studios released an aptly named role-playing title called Low Magic Age on Steam Early Access. The game takes a turn- and party-based approach with tactical combat and mechanics that are based on…

Secret World Legends Developer Livestream

A new developer livestream shows off the latest changes to Funcom’s upcoming relaunch of The Secret World. So, if you want to see some Secret World Legends gameplay and listen to the developers answer a number of Twitch chat questions,…

No Truce With the Furies Secret Area Screenshot

The developer blog for the narrative-driven RPG, No Truce With the Furies shows off a new screenshot. And while this screenshot features a secret area not every player will stumble upon, it serves as a good example of what to…