Gaming News

Pyre Release Date Announced

We now know the release date for Pyre, the third title by Supergiant Games, the creators of Bastion and Transistor. The game will launch on July 25, 2017, and will be available on Steam and PS4 for $19,99 or your…

Killers and Thieves Latest Update

Staying true to their word, the team at Stoic fixed a number of issues with their latest title, Killers and Thieves. More updates are on the way, but here’s what’s available already: Fixes from the latest build (5/30/17): New recruits…

Pathfinder: Kingmaker PaizoCon Coverage

The folks from Know Direction, a website dedicated to all things Pathfinder, participated in the Pathfinder: Kingmaker CRPG seminar that took place during the recent PaizoCon. They shared their notes via a Facebook post. Here’s what we know so far:…

Warren Spector System Shock 3 Interview

Interesting interviews come from the most surprising places in this day and age. For example, the gaming section on the official Red Bull website brings us a new interview with Warren Spector. The veteran developer talks about System Shock 3,…

Victor Vran: Overkill Edition Reviews

Victor Vran’s two latest DLCs, Mötorhead Through The Ages and Fractured Worlds are coming out on June 6, 2017, after a slight delay. So does the Overkill Edition for the consoles that comes bundled with those DLCs. A number of…

What Works and Why: Prey’s Intro

Tom Francis, the developer behind Gunpoint, a 2D Stealth Game, compared the opening sequences of Arkane Studios’ Prey and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Prey came out firmly on top in that particular comparison. Here’s why: Prey Interactive right away. Starting…

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Update #55 – Traps

We get to learn about the Dungeon Challenge mode and creating your own trap-filled dungeons in the latest Kickstarter update for Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem. Lucas, a programmer at Wolcen Studio, talks us through his responsibilities, and then introduces the…

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Arms Global Testpunch Impressions

This past weekend Arms went live with Nintendo’s own brand of beta access. For those unfamiliar Nintendo started this unique take on beta access with the original Splatoon on Wii U. They Dubbed this the Splatoon Global Testfire. For a weekend at…