Gaming News

BattleTech Backer Beta Previews

Now that people have had the chance to try out the Backer Beta for Harebrained Schemes’ BattleTech, we get to read their thoughts on it. And even though the only game mode available right now is the singleplayer Skirmish, the…

Chris Avellone Interviews

An interview with Chris Avellone where he talks about his involvement with Owlcat’s Pathfinder: Kingmaker has popped up on Facebook. It’s not overly long and mostly revolves around the Pathfinder universe and how it translates into a video game. A…

Copper Dreams Update #15

The new Kickstarter update for Whalenought Studios’ cyberpunk RPG, Copper Dreams took a while to get to us, but now that it’s here, it’s quite a substantial one. The biggest takeaway from it are the news about the upcoming alpha…

The New World – Colony Ship RPG’s Official Title

Iron Tower Studio’s previously unnamed Colony Ship RPG has received an official title – The New World: A Generation Ship RPG. We learn this in the latest development update that, apart from unveiling the new name, also goes over the…

Underworld Ascendant Project Update

OtherSide Entertainment’s monthly updates for Underworld Ascendant can put most other in-development games to shame. This month we get several new impressive-looking screenshots, an interview with Stephen Russel along with some examples of his voice acting, a general progress update, and…

Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer Campaign Cinematics

While we still don’t have an official date for when the Rise of the Necromancer content pack goes live for Diablo III, the launch draws ever closer, according to Blizzard’s developer blog. And apart from this vague assurance, we also…