Gaming News

Phoenix Point Update #17 – Gameplay Footage Galore

Yesterday we received 8 minutes of Phoenix Point Alpha gameplay. But, at the end of the day, what’s 8 minutes? The latest Fig update brings us a lot more Phoenix Point video footage. Recorded by the UnstableVoltage YouTube channel, we have…

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Kickstarter Launched

Pathfinder: Kingmaker, a CRPG based on the Pathfinder ruleset has made its way to Kickstarter. Developed by Owlcat Games with people who previously worked on such games as Silent Storm, Heroes of Might and Magic V and Etherlords, and helped…

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Update #56

The 56th Kickstarter update for the open world action-RPG Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is a bit on the shorter side but to compensate for its length, it brings some good news. We learn that the newest version of the game…

Victor Vran: Overkill Edition Released

Two new pieces of DLC for Haemimont Games’ action-RPG Victor Vran are now available for purchase on GOG. Victor Vran: Fractured Worlds and Victor Vran: Motörhead – Through the Ages are also available as part of the Overkill Edition on…

Richard Cobbett on Video Game Languages

In his latest RPG Scrollbars column on Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Richard Cobbett talks about the so-called Conlangs, or constructed languages, and their use in games. He mentions various techniques used to create these languages, lists a number of examples from…

Phoenix Point Alpha Gameplay Footage

IGN has released the gameplay video promised in the previous Fig update for Phoenix Point. The 8 minute video pits Julian Gollop, the original creator of X-COM, against a giant alien queen and some crab people. The presented Alpha gameplay…