Gaming News

Expeditions: Viking Version 1.0.5 Live

The latest Expeditions: Viking patch shakes things up a bit by introducing new caps on skill ranks, and adding a new feature – surprise rounds, while also fixing a plethora of bugs. Read on to find out more about the…

Killers and Thieves New Build Released

Stoic’s recently released thieves’ guild simulator, Killers and Thieves, has received a new update that adds some important functionality, like being able to rebind keys, and fixes a number of bugs. Here’s the complete, albeit short, changelog: Build Notes –…

Pathfinder Adventures Released on PC

Pathfinder Adventures, Obsidian’s digital version of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, is now available on Steam, with a GOG release coming soon. You can get the Base Edition that emulates the physical game, or the Obsidian Edition that, among other…

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Update #7, $427,341 and Counting

Despite its subtitle being “A night in the woods,” there’s a surprising lack of anthropomorphic, higher education-spurning cats in the latest Kickstarter update for Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Instead, the update unveils the campaign’s first, $550,000 stretch goal – Camping. Read on…

Call of Cthulhu E3 2017 Trailer

Cyanide and Focus Home Interactive’s upcoming horror-themed RPG, Call of Cthulhu, has received a new trailer that’s meantto prepare us for the general atmosphere of madness that permeates the game. Cosmic horrors, unreliable narrators, and creepy doctors are all present…

Dauntless Founder’s Alpha Launch Date Announced

Phoenix Labs has announced the launch date of the Founder’s Alpha for their upcoming action-RPG Dauntless. The owners of the pricey Founder’s Packs will be able to start playing on August 18, 2017. The official announcement is quite transparent in…