Gaming News

e3 2017 Top Picks Header Review

e3 2017 – Zombie Chimps Top Picks

If you’re anything like us, you would have been glued to your screens throughout E3 2017, you’d also probably have a dark hidden past and an addiction to coffee, so hopefully not too much like us. But, yes E3 2017…

Neverwinter Nights Retrospective and Interview

The team over at has shone the spotlight back on BioWare’s Neverwinter Nights by teaming up with the Neverwinter Vault community and offering up both a “Revisiting Neverwinter Nights” editorial and a retrospective interview with lead designer Trent Oster.…

Dungeons III E3 2017 Gameplay Trailer

This year’s E3 brings us a new trailer for Dungeons III, the latest installment in the Dungeon Keeper-like series from Realmforge Studios. The trailer shows off some gameplay footage, and among it, the game’s main new feature – taking the…

Two Worlds II: Call of the Tenebrae Released

Two Worlds II: Call of the Tenebrae, a new expansion for the seven years old action-RPG Two Worlds II, is now available on Steam for $8.99, or your regional equivalent. Be advised that the current Steam reviews of TopWare and…

Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous Update #26

The new post-funding Kickstarter update for the old-school RPG, Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous showcases some new artwork and a couple of music tracks by Chris Huelsbeck. It also talks about the in-game backer content. An excerpt: In-Game Backer Content…

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire E3 2017 Coverage Roundup

Obsidian’s Josh Sawyer and Adam Brennecke went to E3 where they’ve shown some Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire pre-Alpha gameplay footage and spoke to a number of journalists. First off, an IGN video with roughly 10 minutes of gameplay and…

Phoenix Point Update #21

The latest Fig update for Phoenix Point provides a recap of Julian Gollop’s experiences at E3 2017, including him having a beer with Jake Solomon, the lead designer on the Firaxis XCOM games. There’s also an hour long VOD of…