Gaming News

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen The Assassin Detailed

The Chosen in the War of the Chosen expansion for XCOM 2 are the elite alien troops you’ll be facing throughout the campaign. One of these Chosen, called simply The Assassin is given a spotlight and a raspy voice in…

Werewolf: The Apocalypse Previews and Interview

Focus Home and Cyanide were busy showcasing their upcoming tabletop-based CRPG Werewolf: The Apocalypse at this year’s E3, and that has led to the availability of two new previews and an interview with Cyanide’s own Julien Desourteaux. We begin with…

The Mage’s Tale Released, Reviews

If you own an Oculus Touch headset, you’ll be delighted to know that InXile’s VR RPG, The Mage’s Tale, has been released on schedule. Featuring exploration, puzzles, and combat, The Mage’s Tale offers roughly 10 hours of dungeon crawling gameplay.…

Path of Exile E3 2017 Coverage, Beta Update

Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath has made an appearance at E3 2017 and now the folks at Grinding Gear Games are kind enough to round up all the coverage on their official forums. And while a lot of…

Richard Cobbett on Shared Universes

Richard Cobbett spends the majority of his latest RPG Scrollbars column talking about all the times video games, and RPGs in particular, made neat little references to one another, and how in this day and age of shared universes, this…