Gaming News

Vampyr E3 Previews

This year’s E3 should be the last one to pass before Focus Home and Dontnod’s blood-soaked Vampyr title is released to the masses, so the impressions offered from the RPG’s showing at the event should be based on near-final gameplay.…

Skullstone Soundtrack Video #2

The team at Blacktorch Games has doled out a new video that features the “Explore the ruins” track from the musical score they’re preparing for their upcoming Dungeon Master-inspired title, Skullstone. This follows the first track that they revealed through…

Middle-earth: Shadow of War Developer Livestream

The first post-E3 Middle-earth: Shadow of War developer livestream features a story mission from the game’s second act that introduces the nature spirit Carnan, who the developers describe as Mordor’s Tom Bombadil. And then we get a brief Q&A session…

The Elder Scrolls Online ESO Plus Bonus Event

ESO Plus, the optional subscription for The Elder Scrolls Online will be available to everyone between the 5th and the 10th of July. This promotional event also offers some free stuff for the current ESO Plus members. Check out this…

Chris Avellone Talks Pathfinder: Kingmaker

A new interview with Chris Avellone has popped up, focusing on his involvement in the Owlcat Games’ upcoming Pathfinder: Kingmaker RPG. The interview is quite informative in that it assumes that the readers have no familiarity with Pathfinder, and with…

Phoenix Point Update #22

The latest Phoenix Point Fig update is filled with announcements. First, we learn that Snapshot Games will be using CrowdOx as their backer management system. Then, we’re told that those backers who haven’t yet received their Chaos Reborn keys will…