Gaming News

inXile Entertainment to Develop Open World Survival RPG for VR

Coming off the success of their first VR-focused RPG The Mage’s Tale, inXile Entertainment founder and CEO Brian Fargo has announced via Facebook that they’ve received $4.5 million in funding to develop an “open world survival RPG virtual reality game”.…

Empyre: Lords of the Sea Gates Announced

It appears that we have another role-playing game to look forward to later this year, as Coin Operated Games (comprised of multiple video game industry veterans) fired over a press release and trailer earlier today for a new “Neo-Victorian”, “old-school”,…

TheUniverse Header Image

The Universim New Playable Demo Released

I’m a big fan of simulation games. I always have been. I even enjoyed Spore slightly more than others (despite it being a disappointment). So, when I found out that The Universim from Crytivo had released a playable demo, I…

Might & Magic Showdown Shuts Down

The Might & Magic franchise is clearly in a rough spot. There’s been no word of a new Might & Magic RPG, the latest Heroes game didn’t do too hot, and now we get an announcement that Might & Magic…

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Early Access Trailer

The folks at SolarFall Games have put together a new trailer to bring some attention to their recently released update 0.5 for Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem. In the trailer we get to see all the features added up to this…

Conan Exiles Update 28

The latest Conan Exiles update adds new climbing mechanics and climbing countermeasures to Funcom’s survival game. With these new additions you’ll be able to climb mountains, scale walls, and craft special climbing gear with the help of a new mountaineer…

XCOM 2: War of The Chosen The Warlock Inside Look

Defeating a tough enemy is way more enjoyable when they possess a distinct personality and have goals of their own, so I appreciate what the folks at Firaxis are doing with their upcoming War of The Chosen expansion for XCOM…