Gaming News

Underrail: Expedition Gameplay Video

The latest development update from Stygian Software shows off some 8 minutes of work-in-progress gameplay from the upcoming Expedition expansion for Underrail. It also assures us that all the new mechanics have already been implemented, along with the bulk of…

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Update #34

In their first post-funding update for Pathfinder: Kingmaker the Owlcat Games developers thank their backers, provide a recap of all the goals the campaign has acheived, and talk about their plans for the foreseeable future. Here are some heartfelt thanks…

GB Feature: Battle Brothers Review

With Overhype Studios having concluded development on Battle Brothers, we figured it was the perfect time to conjure up a three-page review of the popular strategy/RPG based on its finalized state. Read on to find out a bit more about…

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen Gameplay Previews

The official XCOM YouTube channel released a new Lost and Abandoned Gameplay Walkthrough video yesterday, and this opened the floodgates for a number of hands-on previews and gameplay videos from all over the Internet. So, if you’ve got an insatiable…

Phoenix Point Update #23

The latest post-funding Fig update for Phoenix Point informs us that we can now pre-order the game through CrowdOx, and extends an open invitation to the newly opened Snapshot Games forum and Discord server. You can find the details with…

No Truce With the Furies Dev Blog Update

ZA/UM Studio’s concept artist, Kaspar Tamsalu, talks about his trip to the United States in the latest post on the No Truce With the Furies developer blog. The trip gave him plenty of ideas for the game, which he shares…

Mike Pondsmith Interviews – Cyberpunk 2077

Mike Pondsmith, the creator of Cyberpunk the RPG, has recently participated in several interviews where he talked about his career, the cyberpunk genre, and his collaboration with CD Projekt RED on the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077. Gamereactor offers a video interview…

Warren Spector on IGN Unfiltered

Warren Spector, the man behind the original Deus Ex, has recently made an appearance on IGN Unfiltered, a monthly interview show, where he talked about his illustrious career for over an hour. Without further ado, here’s the entire thing: And…