Gaming News

Copper Dreams Update #16

Whalenought Studios are back with a new Copper Dreams Kickstarter update. In it we learn that Joe, one of the developers, had to spend some time at the hospital, and if that’s not a valid reason to delay rolling out…

Harvey Smith Interview on Creating Memorable Worlds

Harvey Smith, Arkane Studios’ creative director, offers advice on how to create distinct and memorable universes in an interview with, where he advocates taking familiar concepts and then adding exciting and unexpected twists to them. And while I would be…

Grim Dawn Grim Misadventures #123

The latest in the series of Grim Misadventures development updates for Crate Entertainment’s Grim Dawn informs us that testing has officially begun on the upcoming expansion, with external testers already having access to roughly 50% of the expansion’s content. Here’s…

Super Phantom Cat 2 Header

Phantom Cat 2 Platformer Set for August Release

If you’re a fan of the insanely popular platformer Phantom Cat, then you will undoubtedly be very pleased to hear that its sequel, Phantom Cat 2 is on the way for an August release. Phantom Cat 2 introduces 20 unique…

Richard Cobbett on Old RPG Reviews

Richard Cobbett seems to be done with RPG Scrollbars for the foreseeable future. No more weekly arachnophobic and crafting-hating RPG editorials for us, I guess. So, what’s the topic of the final edition of the long-running Rock, Paper, Shotgun column?…

BioWare Grows a Corn Maze to Promote Anthem

BioWare are taking a rather unconventional approach to promoting Anthem, their recently announced shared world action-RPG. Instead of simply buying some ad space or hiring a celebrity, they’re growing a field-sized corn maze in the shape of an exosuit somewhere…

Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath New Active Skills

Gearing up for the upcoming release of The Fall of Oriath expansion for Path of Exile, the folks at Grinding Gear Games have, over the past few weeks, been introducing the new active skills they’ll be adding to the game.…

Bob Clardy Interview, Part 2 – Matt Chat

Matt Barton’s interview with Bob Clardy continues on this week’s episode of his Matt Chat show. This time around we’re treated to the story of Odyssey: the Compleat Apventure and its peculiar spelling. Apart from that we get to hear…

Starpoint Gemini Warlords: Titans Return DLC Teased

A teaser trailer and an accompanying developer post on Steam announce the Titans Return DLC for Starpoint Gemini Warlords, releasing sometime in August. This DLC will introduce the Titan-class ships, previously not featured in this latest game of the series,…

Neverwinter Developer Blog – Hunting in Chult

According to a developer blog post, the upcoming Tomb of Annihilation module for the action-packed MMO Neverwinter will offer the players a chance to engage in jolly cooperation while hunting various great beasts. If they succeed in these hunts, too…