Gaming News

Fable Fortune Launches as an Early Access/Preview Title

Remember last year when Flaming Fowl Studios launched a Kickstarter campaign to bring back the Fable franchise via a promising-looking CCG/RPG hybrid entitled Fable Fortune? The Kickstarter campaign might have shut down earlier than expected, but the team has endured…

Neverwinter: Tomb of Annihilation Available on PC

A press release we’ve received informs us that the Tomb of Annihilation update for the action-packed MMO Neverwinter is now available on PC, with the console versions coming soon. This update takes the players to the faraway land of Chult,…

No Truce With the Furies Update – Revachol Dreaming

In a developer blog post, Olga Moskvina, one of the writers on No Truce With the Furies, talks about her creative process, cryptid-filled dreams, and getting used to Estonia after living in Southern California for a while. An excerpt: As…

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen The Hunter Inside Look

Elite alien units known as the Chosen will be doing their best to capture the Commander in the upcoming War of the Chosen expansion for XCOM 2. The Hunter, for instance, is both a sniper and a gunslinger who doesn’t…

Jade Empire 2 and Revolver: Cancelled BioWare RPGs Video

While we’ve heard a few rumors about BioWare’s scrapped plans to develop a Jade Empire sequel and a few rumblings about the “urban, near-future, sci-fi” setting they were preparing us for with the now-defunct Revolver, details on these two cancelled…

Mistborn: Birthright Cancelled

A post on Facebook by Little Orbit CEO Matthew Scott brings the grim news that Mistborn: Birthright, their CRPG based on Brandon Sanderson’s series of fantasy novels carrying the same name, has been cancelled. We first reported about the game…

Pyre Released, Reviews

Pyre, a party-based narrative-driven RPG by Supergiant Games, the creators of Bastion and Transistor, where you try to lead a band of exiles to freedom by participating in a series of mystical competitions, is now out. It’s available on Steam…