Gaming News

BioShock Remastered Headed to macOS

Although mediocre reviews over its stability are prevalent on PC, Feral Interactive fired over a press release today announcing plans to bring BioShock Remastered to Apple’s macOS (formerly OS X) operating system. Hopefully it’s more stable there, as higher resolution…

Tower of Time Previews

Tower of Time, a party-based RPG/RTS hybrid by Event Horizon, has recently launched into Steam Early Access. If its promise of small-scale RTS combat elevated to the next level by RPG elements, exploration, loot, and crafting sounds alluring to you,…

Path of Exile 3.0.0 – The Fall of Oriath Patch Notes

With two days left before The Fall of Oriath expansion for Path of Exile releases on August 4th, we get the complete patch notes that cover everything that’s getting tweaked or changed there. I’m saying everything not to sound vague,…

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen The Lost Inside Look

Apart from the resistance factions and the Chosen themselves, the War of the Chosen expansion for XCOM 2 will also introduce a relentless new type of enemy hostile to anyone they see – the Lost. The Lost are former humans…

BioWare Montreal to Merge with Motive Studios?

We already knew of EA’s decision to “scale down” BioWare Montreal, but TechRaptor has conjured up some additional information suggesting that EA also has plans to merge the studio with Motive Studios, a team that is currently working on an…

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Announced

Following a two-year wait since the release of Heart of Thorns, MMORPG developer ArenaNet has announced plans to expand Guild Wars 2 once again with a new add-on entitled Path of Fire. The expansion pack will launch on September 22nd…

episodic gaming

Episodic Gaming – How Much Value Do We Get?

Something we have seen in more recent years is the increase in episodic gaming. I’m not talking about season gaming like with Tell Tale games. This style of gaming tends to be more related to indie titles. It works in…

Divinity: Original Sin II Update #41

We are now less than a month and a half away from the planned September 14th release date for Divinity: Original Sin II. The folks at Larian Studios are busy with the finishing touches and they expect the next major…

Mass Effect: Andromeda Update 1.10

A post on the official BioWare blog outlines the changes the 1.10 Update brings to Mass Effect: Andromeda. These changes are relatively few in number and just fix a number of multiplayer-related issues and tweak the balance a bit. Here…