Gaming News

Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar Released

Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar, a dungeon crawler over two decades in the making, has finally been released and can now be purchased on Steam for $39.99 or your regional equivalent. I guess congratulations are in order for Cleveland…

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Weekly Developer Blog Started

The folks at TaleWorlds Entertainment acknowledge that they’ve been neglecting their community for a while, and would now like to remedy that by upping the transparency of their development process. To that extent, they’ve started a weekly developer blog where…

Star Trek Online: Season 14 – Emergence Announced

Star Trek: The Next Generation will mark its 30th anniversary this September, and to celebrate such an occasion the folks behind Star Trek Online have a rare treat in store for us – LeVar Burton will reprise his part as…

Underworld Ascendant Development Update

A new development update for Otherside Entertainment’s upcoming dungeon crawler Underworld Ascendant talks about the depth of environmental interactivity that game will have. It also announces that you’ll be able to try all that interactivity out on August 10, 2017,…

Prey Update 1.05 Released

The 1.05 update for Arkane Studios’ immersive sim Prey is now live on Steam. This latest patch fixes a variety of bugs and makes the game less crash-prone overall, which is undoubtedly a good thing, however since it went live,…

Iron Tower Studio Interview

There’s an interview with Iron Tower Studio’s Vince D. Weller (and composer Ryan Eston Paul) up on CSH Picone this evening, which covers various topics related to the indie developer’s primary focuses, the amount of work that went into building…

Beamdog July Update – Patches, Conventions, and More

A post on Beamdog’s official blog offers a roundup of everything the team’s been focusing on in July. We get an update on the Enhanced Editions for iOS, a reassurance that new patches for all the Enhanced Editions are currently…

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Update #59

The latest Kickstarter update for SolarFall Games’ open world RPG Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem introduces the changes and improvements coming to the game in the update. The standouts there are the changes to Elemental Storms and the new targeting…