Gaming News

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Rock Pocket Games Releases Moons of Madness Launch Trailer

Moons of Madness, according to its developers Norwegian Independent Studio Rock Pocket Games, is a genre-redefining psychological horror science-fiction game.  To celebrate and to generally give everyone a damn good look at it, they’ve released a launch trailer called ‘Reality…

Underworld Ascendant to Be Published by 505 Games

OtherSide Entertainment’s upcoming dungeon crawler Underworld Ascendant will now be published by 505 Games, a publisher specializing in curious indie titles. This will allow OtherSide to focus on finishing the game, while 505 Games will be handling the distribution, when…

The Uncertain Future of Immersive Sims

This PC Gamer article talks about the underwhelming sales of the recently released immersive sim games and the possible reasons for that happening, right after a booming resurgence of the genre heralded by BioShock and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Now,…

Prey Free Trial Available

A free trial for Arkane Studios’ immersive sim Prey is now available on Steam (it’s the inconspicuous Download Demo button on the right side of the store page). The trial will let you experience the opening hour of the game,…

Dungeons III Closed Beta Begins, Pre-order for Access

If you’re willing to put some money down on Kalypso and Realmforge’s Dungeons III a couple of months early, you can score immediate access to the game’s closed beta test, which will be running all the way through to the…

Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption Update #90

Years later, we have reached the 90th update to Corey and Lori Ann Cole’s Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption Kickstarter campaign, and this time we hear about the “mysterious events” that are dotted throughout the RPG/adventure, get the latest details around…