Gaming News

Middle-earth: Shadow of War Monsters of Mordor Trailer

J.R.R. Tolkien’s Mordor is not a very hospitable place. Apart from the constantly warring Orc tribes, it is also inhabited by a great assortment of angry spirits, monsters, and demons. All these less conventional foes are on display in the…

Biomutant Revealed in German Magazine

When you ponder what to expect from the next open-world, post-apocalyptic action RPG, it probably doesn’t conjure up thoughts of taking on the role of a furry, sword-wielding animal with a grasshopper companion. But that appears to be what THQ…

Mass Effect: Andromeda No Future Single-player Patches Planned

The recently released 1.10 update for Mass Effect: Andromeda was the game’s final single-player related patch, we learn from an official BioWare announcement. And while the team will still be working on additional multiplayer content and APEX missions, the single-player…

The New World Interview

Vince D. Weller, or Vault Dweller if you prefer, has recently participated in an interview with a Russian gaming website The interview mostly focused on Iron Tower Studio’s current project – The New World, and Vince’s take on RPG…

The Iron Oath Updates, $32,365 and Counting

With 19 more days to go, the Kickstarter campaign for The Iron Oath sits at roughly $32,000 with the initial goal set at $45,000. By now it seems more than likely that this campaign will be a success, so it’s…

Monster Hunter: World Wildspire Waste Trailer

A new trailer for the upcoming Monster Hunter: World, the latest entry in the Monster Hunter series of action-RPGs, shows off the Wildspire Waste – an impressive-looking desert area where you get to fight all kinds of weird monsters, and…

GB Feature: Dungeon Rats Review

To help bide our time between the release of The Age of Decadence and The New World, the team at Iron Tower Studio set forth to deliver us Dungeon Rats, a combat-focused and somewhat bite-sized RPG that could build upon…

Dungeons & Dragons/D&D Beyond Video Commentary

The teams at Wizards of the Coast and Curse have been chatting about all things Dungeons & Dragons over at the D&D Beyond website, and that’s led to the availability of three new videos that feature some great commentary about…

Wasteland Retrospective Review

Following the release of a retrospective video review on YouTube last year, Complete Nonsense Reviews has authored a text version that shares some thoughts on Interplay’s classic first-person, party-based, and post-apocalyptic CRPG from 1988. An excerpt to get you started:…

Project Resurgence Development Ceases, Crowd-funding Pledges Lost

Despite hosting a successful Kickstarter campaign that raised just under $185,000 for Project Resurgence, their “cRPG inspired by the classics of the late ’90s (Baldur’s Gate, Planescape: Torment, Fallout, Arcanum)”, the team at Nectar Game Studios has announced that they’ve…