Gaming News

Lords of Waterdeep Comes to the PC

Remember back in 2013 when Wizards of the Coast and Playdek brought an adaptation of the former’s Lords of Waterdeep board game to the iOS? Well, following the release of two expansions and consumer praise over the last four years,…

The Bard’s Tale IV Update #38

Not only do we get a reminder about the launch of The Bard’s Tale: Remastered and Resnarkled on the PlayStation 4 and PSVita, but we also hear from The Bard’s Tale IV senior programmer Greg Underwood about his earliest Bard’s…

Obsidian on Modernizing the Art of the Isometric RPG

With Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny, Obsidian Entertainment was going for a look reminiscent of the Infinity Engine games. The caveat there was that they had no idea how to achieve that look with modern technology and were forced to…

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Interview

Eurogamer has spoken to a couple of Arkane Studios’ developers during the recent Gamescom, about the Dishonored series, the ways in which Death of the Outsider will differ from its predecessors, the inner workings of Bethesda as a publisher, and the…

Tyranny: Bastard’s Wound Developer Livestream

Bastard’s Wound, the upcoming expansion for Obsidian Entertainment’s Tyranny, is releasing in just 2 days from now, on September 7, 2017. And if you’d like to see the expansion in action prior to that, played by its creators no less,…

Feargus Urquhart Interview

A new interview with Obsidian Entertainment’s CEO Feargus Urquhart has popped up on VG247. It covers quite a broad range of topics that include the reasons people might want to play cRPGs on consoles, the overabundance of action in RPGs…

Immortal: Unchained Announced

Swedish developer Toadman Interactive has announced Immortal: Unchained, a new action-heavy “hardcore” RPG inspired by the Dark Souls and God of War titles that apparently has at least one original writer from The Witcher series contributing to it. The game…

Grim Dawn Grim Misadventures #126

The latest of Grim Dawn’s “Grim Misadventures” development updates, Grim Misadventure #126, showcases the Ashes of Malmouth main menu screen, along with several new Legendary items we’ll be able to get our hands on in the expansion. Since this update…

Divinity: Original Sin II PAX West Presentation

Larian’s Divinity: Original Sin II had a showing at PAX West, which resulted in roughly 10 minutes of fresh footage from the game’s second act. The footage prominently features Original Sin II’s poster boy for the Undead race – Fane,…