Gaming News

Divinity: Original Sin II Combat Spotlight Trailer

The folks at Larian Studios have released a new combat spotlight video that showcases the overwhelming range of tactical options we’ll have in Divinity: Original Sin II. And if you liked the varied and crazy combat of the previous Original…

Secret World Legends Manhattan Exclusion Zone Raid Added

Funcom’s shared word RPG Secret World Legends has received a sizable new update that added a 10-man Raid to the game, as well as a number of so-called Lair Megabosses. The Manhattan Exclusion Zone raid features multiple difficulty levels and…

South Park: The Fractured but Whole Trailer and Previews

There are a whole slew of new previews for South Park: The Fractured but Whole online this evening, providing us with plenty of new information about the game’s controversial skin color-based difficulty selector, just how offensive superheroes can be, the…

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Bethesda’s Secret Game – Coming 2017

Okay, so this was news to me too. When heard that Bethesda is bringing out another game this year that they haven’t told anyone about yet. Of course, my first thought was “Please be Elder Scrolls VI!” But, I doubt…

Tyranny: Bastard’s Wound Released, Reviews

Bastard’s Wound, the new expansion for Obsidian Entertainment’s Tyranny is now available on both Steam and GOG for $14.99 or your regional equivalent. The expansion adds a new region to the game that you can explore in parallel with the…

Feargus Urquhart on Dealing with Publishers

In this interview with Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Obsidian’s CEO Feargus Urquhart talks about the business side of game development, and in particular, the inner workings of game publishers and Obsidian’s relationship with them over the years. The interview covers Obsidian’s…

Divinity: Original Sin II – The Red Prince Spotlight

The latest Divinity: Original Sin II spotlight video introduces one of the game’s Origin Characters – The Red Prince, a noble lizard exiled for his dealing with demons, who will stop at nothing in order to reclaim his lost throne.…

Josh Sawyer Interview and Podcast

If you ever wanted to know more about Obsidian Entertainment’s Josh Sawyer and his career than some might consider reasonable, this USgamer feature should be right up your alley. It includes a 70 minute long podcast where the veteran RPG…

Zombasite: Orc Schism – New Monsters in the Expansion

Soldak Entertainment has been quietly working on the upcoming Orc Schism expansion for their latest action-RPG Zombasite for a while now. The tentative release window of Summer 2017 is coming to a close, and we’re now moving into the “when…