Gaming News

Ultima Online Reaches 20th Anniversary Milestone

Tomorrow will mark twenty years since ORIGIN’s Ultima Online was officially released and ushered in the age of the (graphical) massively multiplayer online role-playing game. It wasn’t the first MMORPG to be released, to be sure, but it was certainly…

The Art of Turn-Based RPGs, Part One: Menu-Based Battles

Using numerous points and examples from a variety of JRPGs, classic franchises like Wizardry, and even recent CRPG releases like Divinity: Original Sin II and Lords of Xulima, role-playing game enthusiast Felipe Pepe has taken an in-depth look at the…

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Released

After teasing us with the launch trailer, the folks at ArenaNet have released the Path of Fire expansion for Guild of Wars 2 right on schedule, just in time for the game’s fifth anniversary. This expansion introduces mounts into the…

South Park: The Fractured but Whole Goes Gold

South Park: The Fractured but Whole has officially gone gold, meaning that the currently announced October 17th release date is likely to be the actual release date, and the game won’t be delayed again. And to make us aware of…

Josh Sawyer on Fallout: New Vegas

In a recent interview with IGN Expert Mode, Obsidian Entertainment’s Josh Sawyer talked about Fallout: New Vegas, and its Van Burren roots, and while there isn’t a lot of new information there, we do get to learn the Josh was…

Divinity: Original Sin Reviews, Part 2

Another batch of reviews for Divinity: Original Sin II has popped up since we last checked, and these ones are even more glowing than the previous, already highly positive ones. If ten or even five years ago someone had told…

The Iron Oath Update #23

The Iron Oath, the recently crowdfunded gritty turn-based RPG by Curious Panda, has received a new post-funding update that goes over the game’s overworld simulation. From the adversarial dynamics of multiple Royal Houses and their Vassals, to plagues and political…

Ancient Frontier Released

Ancient Frontier, a turn-based strategy RPG from Fair Weather Studios is now available on Steam with the retail price set at $24.99 or your regional equivalent, plus a launch discount of 25% that will last until September 28, 2017. Set…

The Fallout 3 We Never Got to Play

It’s hard to believe that we’ve been reflecting upon and pondering the “what ifs” around Black Isle Studios’ version of Fallout 3 – otherwise known as “Van Buren” – for something like 15 years. It’s a history that spans the…