Gaming News

Wasteland 3 Update #23

The latest Wasteland 3 Fig update brings us up to speed with the progress made on the game’s vertical slice – the Everest Hotel, and the Suicide Forest that surrounds it. The main focus of this update is iterative level design,…

Dungeons III Released

If you’re ready and eager to do some cackling and mustache-twirling both beneath and above ground, you’ll be pleased to know that Kalypso Media and Realmforge Studios have released their “biggest, best, and evil-est dungeon sim yet,” Dungeons III on…

The New World Update #20

The latest development update for Iron Tower Studio’s colony ship RPG The New World describes the studio’s approach to designing optional “secondary” locations. In short, while you’ll be able to enter every area, most of them will have challenges tailored…

Battle Brothers Developer Blog #98 – The Lindwurm

With the release of Update 1.1, the development on Overhype Studios’ strategy RPG Battle Brothers had ceased. Or so we were told, as a new developer blog post informs us that a free DLC for Battle Brothers is currently on…

Why Im Not going to Play Call of Duty WWII

Why I Won’t be Playing Call of Duty WWII

Call of Duty WWII releases on November 3 for all platforms. For the first time, I will not be making my yearly pilgrimage to purchase Call of Duty. Let me start off by telling you, I used to be a…

Dungeons & Dragons/D&D Beyond Video Commentary, Continued

Xanathar’s Guide to Everything is the first major expansion for the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, and it’s officially releasing on November 21, 2017. It broadens the scope of the latest iteration of the venerable pen and paper RPG…

Upcoming Horror RPGs

With the month of October upon us and Halloween just a few weeks away, people want to play some scary games. Enter with a list of their 10 most anticipated horror games. And surprisingly enough, a couple of them…

Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds Environment Trailer

A post by Guerrilla Games’ community manager on the official PlayStation Blog brings a new trailer for Horizon Zero Dawn’s upcoming The Frozen Wilds expansion to our attention. The minute-long trailer shows off the beautiful snow- and ice-covered locales of…

Cancelled Concepts for Deus Ex 3: Insurrection

When Deus Ex: Human Revolution came out in 2011, it became the third installment in the beloved by many series of conspiracy-filled first person RPGs, or immersive sims if you prefer. However, Unseen64, an archive for Beta & cancelled games,…