Gaming News

Darkest Dungeon: The Shieldbreaker DLC Revealed

A new DLC for Red Hook Studios’ atmospheric RPG Darkest Dungeon is about to hit Steam on October 26, 2017. This DLC’s main attraction is the Shieldbreaker, a new adventurer for you to recruit, who is a tough yet relatively…

Ash of Gods Update #19

The latest Kickstarter update for AurumDust Studio’s Banner Saga-like RPG Ash of Gods poses a question to the backers – would they be fine with the game getting delayed until March 2018 if the added time was dedicated to expanding…

Star Trek Online’s ‘Episodes’ Are the Key to Its Success

This Gamasutra editorial praises Star Trek Online’s treatment of the source material, its episodic mission design, and the dialogue box where you actually have to pay attention to what you’re reading. In the author’s eyes, these features elevate this MMO…

Vaporum Difficulty Poll Results

The developers behind Vaporum have recently asked their players what they thought about the dungeon crawler’s difficulty and which rigs they preferred. The results of that survey are now available on the game’s official website. Overall, it looks like people…

The Elder Scrolls Online Update 16: Clockwork City Released

The sixteenth major update to Zenimax Online and Bethesda Softworks’ The Elder Scrolls Online is now available for consumption, bringing with it a host of fixes and improvements for the MMORPG, as well as a content DLC entitled “Clockwork City”…