Gaming News

Dark and Light Gobboween News Header e1509016483536

Dark and Light – Gobboween is in Full Swing

The Halloween celebrations, otherwise known as Gobboween have arrived on Archos! As you can expect, it’s a time filled with scary and spooky happenings.  Everyone is acting, weirdly and some even have terrifying new forms. If you’re not already playing…

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Update #61

The work on SolarFall Games’ hack ‘n’ slash RPG Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem continues, and the latest Kickstarter update tells us about the revamped player defense and enemy resistance mechanics that will be introduced to the game in the upcoming…

Assault Android Cactus News Header

Assault Android Cactus Heads to Xbox One X on Nov. 7

Assault Android Cactus, is an action-packed arcade-style twin-stick shooter developed by Witch Beam available for PlayStation 4, Windows, Mac and Linux. “What about us xBox One owners?” I hear you all ask in unison. Well, worry no longer, because Assault…

Path of Exile – A Four-year Release Retrospective

Path of Exile left Beta and was formally released on October 23, 2013, which means that the gritty action-RPG had just celebrated its fourth anniversary. And in honor of this occasion, Grinding Gear Games’ community manager Bex has taken a…

Diablo III Patch v2.6.1 Live

Patch v2.6.1 for Diablo III, that was promised to revise the game’s balance and make as many playstyles viable as possible, is now live in the Americas for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The other regions should be receiving…