Gaming News

Odd Gods Interview

Odd Gods, a recently unveiled RPG that can probably best be described as “Bill & Ted’s Tactical Adventure,” looks like something right up my alley, with its 1990s vibes, time-traveling hijinks, and complex tactical combat. And since the initial reveal…

System Shock Remastered Edition Update #37

The latest Kickstarter update for Nightdive Studios’ remake of the original System Shock tries out something new and offers an eight and a half minute long video that showcases some actual gameplay with stylized voice-overs from multiple team members, explaining…

Rune: Ragnarok Artwork, Gods, Goddesses, and Giants

We’re overdue on checking in with the development progress on Rune: Ragnarok, Human Head Studios’ forthcoming viking-themed and open world-focused RPG. So to make up for lost time, I’ll point you at the game’s official blog for profiles of various…

Hand of Fate 2 Released

For those of you looking for more action RPG in your CCG, you need not look further than today’s release of Hand of Fate 2, Defiant Development’s highly anticipated sequel to 2015’s genre-bending sleeper hit. You can pick the game…

Moira Overwatch 26th Hero News Header

Moira Revealed as Overwatch 26th Hero

At their annual convention Blizzcon, which took place over the weekend, Blizzard released details of Overwatch’s latest playable hero, Moira, along with a teaser trailer showing her in action. Here’s what we know so far: Moira is a support hero,…

BioWare Celebrates Ten Years of Mass Effect

November 7th is the so-called N7 Day – the annual date when Mass Effect fans celebrate their favorite series of sci-fi RPGs. And since November 7th, apart from being a callback to the memorable in-game insignia, also happens to be…

The Uncanny Resurrection of Dungeons & Dragons

Pen and paper roleplaying games, and Dungeons & Dragons in particular, have been gaining a lot of traction lately. Somehow, the act of gathering around a table, rolling dice, and sharing collective stories has been brought back from the nearly…

Ni-Oh: Complete Edition Released

Team Ninja’s samurai action-RPG set in a dark fantasy version of the feudal era Japan, Ni-Oh, or rather its Complete Edition, is now available on Steam for $49.99 or your regional equivalent. Now that it’s on PC, the Dark Souls-styled…