Gaming News

Ash of Gods Update #20

A new Kickstarter update for Ash of Gods informs us that the Banner Saga-inspired RPG now has its own Steam page, where we can see that the game is on track for a March 2018 release, which means that the…

Dishonored 2 Update 5 Patch Notes

An official announcement on Steam informs us that a new update for Dishonored 2 is now available. The update is focused on the PC version of the game and fixes a good number of bugs, while also making the game…

Monster Hunter: World Interview – Monster Design

During their trip to Osaka, Eurogamer has managed to sit down and chat with Capcom’s developers involved in designing monsters for their upcoming action-RPG Monster Hunter: World. And if the sample monster showcased there, that resembles a cross between a…

ELEX Reviews

Now that people have had some time to spend with Piranha Bytes’ recently released sci-fi action-RPG ELEX, we can check out what they thought about the expansive open-world title. And just like with the early batch, there isn’t any sort…

Obsidian Entertainment’s DLC Survey Results

The results of Obsidian Entertainment’s DLC-related survey are in and you can check them out, all arranged into neat bars and graphs, on Obsidian’s forums. Perhaps the most surprising thing about the results is the number of respondents: in roughly…