Gaming News

Vendetta: Curse of Raven’s Cry v1.10 Update Released

As promised late last month as part of their special edition pre-order campaign, the team at TopWare has released a substantial update for Vendetta: Curse of Raven’s Cry, bringing the pirate-themed RPG up to version 1.10. There are quite a…

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Store Pages Up

Now that Larian Studios set the bar for contemporary RPG sequels pretty high with their Divinity: Original Sin II, I’m quite curious to see what Obsidian Entertainment can do with Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. And considering that the game…

The Iron Oath Update #26

The gritty turn-based RPG The Iron Oath will have a playable build at the Otronicon Expo in Orlando on January 12, 2018, and the November Kickstarter update tells us all about the things that had to be done to make…

Starpoint Gemini Warlords Update 1.510 Live

After they released the Cycle of Warfare DLC for Starpoint Gemini Warlords, the folks at Little Green Men Games have been busy with fixing bugs and polishing their existing localizations, which resulted in the v1.500 patch that also adds support…

Cyberpunk 2077 – There Are Great Things to Come

The astonishing levels of hype surrounding CD Projekt’s upcoming RPG Cyberpunk 2077 have always seemed odd to me. At this point the only things we know about it are the setting and who’s making it. It’s not exactly enough for…

Ni-Oh: Complete Edition Reviews

You’re not exactly spoiled for choice if PC is your preferred gaming platform and you enjoy the Dark Souls style of action-RPGs. As such, the recent release of Ni-Oh: Complete Edition is quite welcome. So, what do the people who…

Syphon Filter Logans Shadow

Syphon Filter Trademark Reveals Possible 2017 PS Comeback

Very recently, there were murmurs about the possibility of PlayStation Experience 2017 not actually having a press conference, but could PlayStation simply be attempting to deliberately reduce expectations before delivering an almighty press conference? It was stated that there were…

Forged of Blood – Fog of War Update

The latest post on the Forged of Blood developer blog talks about Fog of War and how its implementation affects the upcoming RPG, transforming it from a chess-like puzzle of sorts into a tense tactical experience. The system in its…