Gaming News

More Gloomfrost Equipment

Before talking about tonight’s update, I’d like to let everyone know that I will be leaving in about 6 hours to Daytona Beach for Spring Break insanity. I will be returning on Monday, but in my absence, Flagg will be…


Before talking about tonight’s update, I’d like to let everyone know that I will be leaving in about 6 hours to Daytona Beach for Spring Break insanity. I will be returning on Monday, just in time to post our first…

Dungeon Siege Dollup Drenches

Hats off (using one of Ann Lander’s fav. phrases… if I had to you know) to the many gaming sites who, from the recent Microsoft GameStock event, gathered all sorts of intelligence, hands-on and screen snaps for the people (including…

Wizardry 8 Design Log Update

Lee Haneman, the animator for Wizardry 8, paid a visit to RPGVault and posted up a design log about what obstacles he encounters during his every day job of animating the fantastic creatures in the game: Animating monsters all day…

Crossroads Dev Chat

Crossroads of Camelot’s Roundtable developer’s chat lined up for next Thursday (March 15th) was miscommunicated and has been rescheduled for Wednesday (March 28th) at 7pm EST in #camelot on Be ready to discuss Midgard and phase 3 beta.

Question of the Day Update

Today’s Question of the Day brings to light some information concerning the return of Belhifet and whether or not a sequel might be in the future: GameBanshee: Assuming that the narrator for Icewind Dale was Belhifet himself (due to his…

Mourner’s Armor & Walkthrough Tweak

Thanks to several emails from our viewers, I’ve posted up another piece of Chain Mail (?), Mourner’s Armor, as well as a tweak to our walkthrough detailing one of the areas to obtain it. Updated Pages: HoW Walkthrough (includes an…

Water Revisited

Gamer revisits the specifics of water: Can characters enter water? I don’t mean swimming, but just wading trough a shallow stream for example… Or would they actually have to cross a bridge to get to the other side? Quote(Trent Oster,…

One Click Equipping?

Gamer asks about the option of equipping any combination in one click: …The picture I’ve always had of my character was a ranger who could pick off enemies at a distance with his bow and then drop that bow and…

GameBanshee Feature: Horizons Interview

More new Horizons tidbits are coming your way due to David Allen, lead designer of this impressive sounding MMORPG, lending his time for a new interview at GameBanshee. Among the interesting topics discussed: GB: With regards to the world master…