Gaming News

Question of the Day Update

Many people have expressed concerns that players will be able to waltz into Throne of Bhaal and hack through the expansion easily due to the powerful equipment they already wield at the end of BG2. Today Doug addresses this concern,…

UWO: Origin (UO2) Cancelled!

Some very surprising news was released today on the official UWO: Origin website (the sequel to Ultima Online). The game has been cancelled. Here’s a direct quote from the site: Electronic Arts and Origin Systems have announced a plan that…

German site Gildenweb with more shots

The German site Gildenweb released some new shots of Shadowbane today. If you can’t read German you will still appreciate the looks of the nine screens. A few are pretty simmiliar or the same as some already released. The shots…

Equipment and Walkthrough Tweak

I’ve added a couple more pieces of equipment this evening, including one that is simply altered after installing HoW. It appears that Kontik’s Ring of Wizardry gets an added bonus in Heart of Winter, so I’ve posted up both versions…

Wizardry 8 Preview(s)

Ever notice that the designers of the logo for the forthcoming RPG Wizardry 8 designed it to look like a vertical infinity sign? I like that idea, as having played it myself and were I working on the team, I’d…

Black & White: So you want to be evil….

Thus begins the coverage from PC.ign on the game known to most as Black & White. Who knows? Maybe Peter has a pet name he likes to call it when he’s alone… okay ahem. Read all about the beginnings of…

Caught me napping!

As glad as I was for the switch to Monday from Friday updates, I fell asleep at the wheel this week and forgot all about it! The update wasn’t much, just four new screen shots. They are nice shots, however.…

Wizardry 8 Design History

This is no ordinary design log. It’s a very brief summary of how the game that’s right up there on my to-get list, the RPG Wizardry 8, was born and the story of one man who was in part responsible…

Couple o’ Strategies

Here are a couple more strategies, thanks to our viewers. Updated Pages: Strategy Guides (includes a Lots of Experience and an Unlimited Hit Points strategy)

Blade of Darkness Review

OnlineGameReview has posted up a review of the recently released action RPG, Blade of Darkness. And I quote: There are four character classes to start and play the entire game from. For each of the characters are individual story lines…