Gaming News


Are you someone who frequently posts on any one of the MMORPG boards? Would you say you post more gripes or constructive criticisms? One fed up anonymous MMORPG developer lashes out at most of the MMORPG board community for being…

BG2 Collectors edition

Just today I spotted the European BG2 Collectors edition in stores, so if for any strange reason you haven’t got it yet, go snag it before it’s sold out. The contents looked to be the similar to the US collectors…

Eye in the NWN Logo?

Gamer asks about the meaning of the eye in the NWN logo and gets a lengthy response: …what’s that eye in the Neverwinter Nights logo?… The eye has a vital role to play in the official campaign, that I promise…


Gamer asks how resting is handled: What will happen when a party rests, especially in a multplayer game where as far as I know everything works in real time. Sorry, I think a clarification’s in order here, as there’s been…

Attacks of Opportunity

Gamer asks how attacks of opportunity will work: If a PC is granted an AoO for any reason, do they have to click to take it? I can see situations where you might not want to take the AoO in…

Interview with J. Sawyer

I spotted an interview with J. Sawyer by CDMag, which can be found right here. We were lucky enough to track Sawyer down to discuss how he landed his dream job, his thoughts on the future of computer role-playing games,…

Desperados, A Game Worth Watching

There’s a whip over there, so feel free to grab it if ya don’t like this post, not that it’s gonna change anything… I’m going to mention a “strategy” game here on a mainly RPG site. But as you’ve probably…

DAoC Beta Update

You’ll find a host of new info about what’s changed about Dark Age of Camelot in the last few months, additions and issues, in the Camelot Guild’s extensive recent beta overview, which since all testers have an NDA, is actually…

SW Galaxies Concept Art

Heading on over to the official Star Wars Galaxies page, the only MMORPG which uses the force, you’ll find all the playable races listed with about 2 screenshots per race. Lately however, they’ve been adding a few here and there…

How You Can Help GameBanshee

First of all, let me offer a gigantic thank you to those of you who have donated money, clicked our top banners, bought games through Chips & Bits (our lower banners), or performed searches through the search box on each…