Gaming News

Pool of Radiance Chat

I read over at RPGPlanet that SSI’s Garrett Graham and Chuck Yager have agreed to a chat on GameSpy Arcade concerning their upcoming Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. Here’s the scoop: What: Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth…

Midgard Weekly

We received an email today about a new e-zine offered to Dark Age of Camelot fans called Midgard Weekly. Check it out: Denizens of Midgard — and residents of other, lesser realms who realize they should aspire to our greatness…

New Website

We’ve received an email today that a new DAoC guild site, Disciples of Aesir, has been opened to the public. Be sure to stop by and check it out by clicking here.

DAoC Symbol Revealed

I just noticed that the official DAoC website has been updated with the first look of the symbol used to represent the game, the “Camelot Knot”. The symbol has a corner for each of the three realms – a Holy…

Dungeon Siege Interview

The Siege Works has posted up an interview with Gas Powered Games’ Scott Bilas concerning the developing of the game and what tools will be available to players. Here’s one of the questions: SW: You had mentioned that the game…

Anarchy Online Screenies

The german site Gildenweb has posted up another pack of Anarchy Online screenshots. Check ’em out right here.

Walkthrough Tweaks and Another Location

Thanks to Spellcaster, David H, and Lucian, I have made some tweaks to our previously posted locations and have added a few more quests. I’ve also posted up the Bones of the Night location, which is the wrecked house in…

DAoC Interview

RPGDot has posted up an interview with Mark Jacobs of Mythic Entertainment about their MMORPG currently in beta, Dark Age of Camelot. Here’s one of the questions: RPGDot: Is there going to be a level cap to start taking part…

TORN Developer Diary

RPGVault has posted a developer diary by the designer of Black Isle’s TORN, Dave Maldonado. Here’s a snippet: Those who’ve read the various TORN previews, interviews, and/or perused the message boards likely know that the idea behind it is to…

Neverwinter Nights & ToB Eye Treasure

PC.ign cajoled BioWare into giving them 4 hyper colorful screenshots each of both the much anticipated expansion pack to Baldur’s Gate II, named Throne of Bhaal, as well as the even more anticipated sequel of sorts (because you can import…