Gaming News

RPG Developers @ E3

RPGVault has posted up an article entitled “RPG Developers at E3”, which gives a rundown of what to expect from each one at the E3 expo this year. The article talks about developers such as BioWare, Blizzard, Artifact Entertainment, Mythic…

Bard’s Tale Revisited

RPGDot has posted up an article that talks about some of the greatest RPG games to ever hit the PC… the Bard’s Tale trilogy. For those of you who never played these games, they really were absolute masterpieces of their…

David Allen Interview

RPGVault has interviewed David Allen of Artifact Entertainment concerning their recent press release about partnering with NCSoft. The interview gives Horizons fans some insight as to why the deal was made, and what it means to the future of the…

Lord of Destruction Preview

And in more IGN PC news, they’ve also posted up a preview of the Diablo II expansion, Lord of Destruction, which is currently undergoing beta testing. Here’s another snippet: While you probably won’t find many huge ways that the gameplay…

Wizardry 8 Preview

IGN PC has posted up a preview of Wizardry 8, the RPG currently without a worldwide publisher (although nobody here at GameBanshee can figure out why, as it’s a great game). Check it out: There will be an extensive character…

New concept piece mirrored locally

The new colored concept piece released today has been locally mirrored here at our World Artwork section. It is stored in .jpg format so it should be a little quicker to load than it is off Artifact’s site (better compression)…

Diablo II Expansion Kibble

The place to go during this time o’ Expansion unfolding (Diablo II’s Lord of Destruction) is where they’ve been busily building their resevoir of new lore. You’ll find a fresh update of the beta diaries and one Druid’s account…

The wait for E3…

You going to E3? (If you are, I’m pretty sure I hate you) Then you might be interested in this… Hey Gang, Warden here. Many of you are no doubt aware that next week is E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo), the…

Gamespot gives a bit of WarCraft III love…

Not only does Gamespot deliver up a preview but an interview as well.You complimentary teaser – In the wake of the monolithically successful Diablo II, surely anything but Diablo III (or Starcraft 2, maybe) is bound to be a disappointment,…