Gaming News

EverQuest to Increase Payment Options

Thought this an interesting newstrivit. EverQuest is turning into a very fat dragon indeed and they’re about to serve her up with another feast of subscribers. PC.ign is reporting that you’ll be able to buy a Game Card, already popular…

TORN Update

PC.ign nicely summarizes the E3 coverage of Black Isle Studios in-development RPG offshoot, TORN which borrows rules from the Fallout universe yet remains a 3D fantasy RPG. They were able to talk to the developers to get the latest info,…

GameSpot’s Top 20

They come in massive amounts two times every year – lists, comparisons, top games, previews and awards. The first time is the post-E3 roundup, where all the sites gather up their information and, er… regurgitate it in the form of…

Potential DAoC Rival

You could say all online games are potential rivals to each other if you wanted, but soon we’re going to have to start making categories for them, just like we do with everything else. Not very Zen Buddhist of us……


Sometimes digging for information on your favorite games of E3 on the web can be burdensome and tedious. Believe me, I’ve been doing it for years. What usually happens is that I just end up looking at it all and…

Lum on DAoC from E3

Yes, the E3 reports are still rolling in. This time, Lum The Mad talks to “Matt Firor, producer of DAoC, Mark Jacobs, Mythic’s CEO, and Dave “Mahrin Skel” Rickey, a designer on the project”. A worthwhile read, whether you are…

Newest Projected Release Date for POR2

Well here is some more info for those eagerly awaiting this game. The newest projected release date is September 7, 2001. Yes a little later than most of us thought but I believe it will be well worth it. Now…

New release dates for NWN

Well after snooping around and bugging the heck out of many people, this reporter has some sad news to report. The newest projected release date for NWN as of the end of E3 is March 16, 2002. Yes I know…

Pick Pocketing

Gamer is concerned about the current state of pick pocketing: From the NWNVault Interview: Trent: There is an animation of Pickpocketing currently. It will be a small motion of the player bending down and stealing. If you are stealing from…

E3 Movies

The guys over at nwn.stratics recently grabbed some videos from E3 check them out here.