Gaming News

Yoshimo’s Quest and Beholder Strategy

One of our viewers noticed that we were missing Yoshimo in our list of NPC quests, so I have posted it up, as well as another strategy for defeating beholders. Updated Pages: Quests (includes Yoshimo’s NPC Quest), Strategy Guides (includes…

Screenshots @ RPGVault

RPGVault has posted up a bunch of E3 visuals for several different games, including Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor.

Screenshots @ RPGVault

RPGVault has posted up a bunch of E3 visuals for several different games, including Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor and TORN. The TORN visuals even include a 21 MB MPEG movie.

Destination Games Article

Voodoo Extreme has added another article to its E3 coverage – a report from Richard Garriot about his recent venture, Destination Games. The article talks about the cancellation of UO2, who is backing Destination Games with funding, and what type…

Morrowind / NWN Comparison

The Stratos Group’s E3 coverage has expanded, with an addition of a Neverwinter Nights & Morrowind preview Basically, the article takes the finest points of both games (such as graphics, their editors, gameplay, and more) and ranks them. Here’s one…

Morrowind / NWN Comparison

The Stratos Group’s E3 coverage has expanded, with an addition of a Neverwinter Nights & Morrowind preview Basically, the article takes the finest points of both games (such as graphics, their editors, gameplay, and more) and ranks them. Here’s one…

The Fall of Online Advertising

Rarely do I read an article on the web that really hits home, but today, while browsing the Adrenaline Vault, I came upon a good one. The title of the article is The Fall of Online Advertising: So You Want…

Neverwinter Nights Preview

There is a very brief preview of Neverwinter Nights posted up over at Quarter to Three, based upon the demo shown at E3. Along with a quick rundown of the game, the editors have added their own comments about what…

Shadowbane Preview

The Dr. Twister Network has added some E3 coverage which includes a Shadowbane preview. The preview is more of a comparison to Ultima Online, but offers some good information. Here’s a snippet: But it’s the game play that has received…

DAoC Preview

The Dr. Twister Network has added some E3 coverage which includes a Dark Age of Camelot preview. The preview is more of a comparison to EverQuest, but offers some good information. Here’s a clip: Some of the things I saw…