Gaming News

AE Site is K.O.ed and I am P.O.ed

Okay here is the news: The Artifact Entertainment site is down and out for the count. Do not worry it is not because AE is closing down or anything. It is because they need to upgrade their servers since they…


Just to let everyone know, I will be out of town for the weekend to celebrate my birthday, but will be back to post news late Sunday night or possibly not until Monday. Stay tuned.

Crossroads Gaming Network No More?

In more news of advertising revenue woes, Lum the Mad is reporting that the Crossroads Gaming Network might be done for. For those of you who may not have visited Xroads, they were an MMORPG gaming network, providing coverage for…

Camelot Beta Journal

Camelot Vault has posted up a Dark Age of Camelot beta journal depicting the author’s first player vs. player experience. Check it out right here.

Utildayael is gone.

here it is direct off the main site: I wanted to post a fond farewell to Jeremy Dixon, who is no longer with Artifact Entertainment. Utildayael, who is most well-known for his postings on the message boards and involvement with…

Morrowind Website Update

Bethesda’s official Morrowind site has been updated with a few goodies, including a new race, wallpaper, and a team diary. Here’s a rip from the site: The 10th playable race in Morrowind, the Orcs, has been added to our Races…

Midgard Interview

There’s a new interview over on 3D Games Zone with Ragnar Tornquist, director on the upcoming MMORPG Midgard. Here’s a taste: 3DG: Any change of entering Valhalla or meeting the Norse goddess of love? Valhalla? Absolutely. Since Valhalla was the…

ToB Elements of the Day Update

Today, RPGVault’s “Elements of the Day” feature for Throne of Bhaal includes two more high-level warrior abilities, War Cry and Hardiness. You can find the screenshots in their news right here.

Anachronox Approaching

An RPG on the way that’s likely not to over-extend your fledgling processor because it’s Quake II-powered, combining role-playing with a healthy sprinkle of 3D action, Ion Storm’s Anachronox is now officially set to come out at the end of…

New Camelot Site

Nadger sends us word that a new Dark Age of Camelot website has sprung up called the Camelot Crucible. Here are the details: After a short while of being a private/friends site, Camelot Crucible is finally ready to launch. While…