Gaming News

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Final Beta Notice

This is the final beta notice I received in my inbox from Blizzard with a little more information on the release and the end of the beta of Diablo II’s expansion pack, Lord of Destruction: Greetings, Diablo II: Lord of…

TORN Preview

Black Isle Studios’ upcoming 3D RPG, TORN, has been given a lengthy preview over at GameSpot. Along with the preview are several brand new screenshots. Here’s a snippet: The name Torn refers to the gameworld’s ancient history, when the gods…

Gargantuan Update

Tonight, I have a lengthy update for all of you. First of all, I have split the “Forged Items” area into “Cespenar’s Forge” and “Cromwell’s Forge” to distinguish between the different equipment that can be forged in SoA and ToB.…

Phase one is complete

AE just released an announcement stating that they have completed phase one, for your reading pleasure here it is below: We’re very pleased to inform the player community about the status of Artifact’s game server platform. After more than 6…

Throne of Bhaal First Impressions

Throne of Bhaal is currently being bought up like mad around the country and one of the first sites to issue their thoughts on the expansion is RPGVault with a lengthy first impression. Check it out: What I can say…

Lord of Destruction Goes Gold

Diablo II fans will be happy to hear that the upcoming expansion, Lord of Destruction, has gone gold. Expect to see it hit store shelves very soon. You can read the official press release right here.

Alan Miranda Interview

I read over at RPGDot that TFH Gaming has posted an interview with Alan Miranda of the Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal development team. Here’s one of the questions: TFH Gaming: For us, the Underdark in BG2 was the…

Sanya Introduces Herself

Sanya Thomas (Tweety) was over at the Camelot Vault Boards saying “Hi!” to the DAoC Community. Here’s the post she made: Just ducking in to say hey, and let you all know what my posting name on these boards would…

Sanya Introduces Herself

Sanya Thomas (Tweety) was over at the Camelot Vault Boards saying “Hi!” to the DAoC Community. Here’s the post she made: Just ducking in to say hey, and let you all know what my posting name on these boards would…

Quick Update

Just a quick ToB update on my lunch break… Updated Pages: Abilities (includes Critical Strike, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Smite, and Whirlwind Attack), Bastard Swords (includes Foebane +3 and Foebane +5), Helmets (includes the Circlet of Netheril and Obsidian Ioun Stone),…