Gaming News

Gamesite to SW Designer One on One

CGOnline was able to crawl through the ventilation system at Verant Headquarters to nail Ralph Koster, designer working on Star Wars Galaxies, for an in-depth interview discussing many of the aspects belonging to an MMORPG in general, including this almighty…

Neverwinter Nights Scripting lesson #7

I don’t know how I missed this tidbit, but the latest Lesson (were up to #7) in the Neverwinter Nights scripting course is up. Here is the announcement: Neverwinter Vault () has posted Lesson 7in the ongoing course to prepare…

Dungeon Siege Movie

RPGPlanet has got their hands on an exclusive 27 second movie from Gas Powered Games’ upcoming Dungeon Siege. The movie depicts the story’s farm girl defending the farm where you start the game, using both a melee weapon and magical…

Developers Journal

Doug Schuler gave Horizons Vault his Developers Journal. When I begin a design, the actual drawing part is quite minimal. I think about the topic at hand, considering every possible angle to ensure the design work both independantly AND as…

Anomen’s Romanced Ending

Thanks to one of our viewers, we now have Anomen’s romanced ending online. Updated Pages: NPCs (includes Anomen’s romanced ending)

Shadowbane Economy FAQ

Adding to their growing list of FAQs, IGN’s Shadowbane Vault has compiled a new section that answers several questions about the implementation of Shadowbane’s economy system. The FAQ provides several quotes from Warden of Wolfpack, and a lot of information…

Neverwinter Nights @ Gen Con

Gen Con, the annual gaming convention that brings in over 25,000 people around the world, is coming up on August 2nd – 5th in Milwaukee, WI. This year, the BioWare crew is going to be showing off Neverwinter Nights, so…

New BG2 Patch

BioWare has released a new English patch (version 23037) that fixes the “NPC appears busy” bug associated with Win2K and WinXP. You’ll find more information and a link to download it right here.

Horizons HQ Contest!

This just in… Here is your chance to win a FREE 6-month Flashlink Account!!!The Contest: Come up with the best name for the story written by Redwood. The story can be found here: How to Enter: Send an e-mail…