Gaming News

Black Isle Message Boards Update

Looks like BIS has changed the forum software they were using on the official Black Isle message boards and have moved them to a new URL. They are now using vBulletin, which is a very fast forum script based upon…

Black Isle Message Boards Update

Looks like BIS has changed the forum software they were using on the official Black Isle message boards and have moved them to a new URL. They are now using vBulletin, which is a very fast forum script based upon…

My Wizardry 8 Initial Impressions

After waiting fervently since early this year after having experienced the demo back then, I can finally say I’m now happily dogpaddling just to stay alive in the full version of Wizardry 8 and will be writing a review of…

Diablo II Signs You Are MF Crazy

If you’re still into Diablo II, here’s something with a little hardcore flavor that you might find funny (or just too true), especially if you enjoy just doing runs for Magic Items. 🙂 Here’s a few from’s (thank ZealotOnAStick)…

Shadowbane goodies…

Sorry for the delay on this update, but some of you who travel the message boards here might’ve noticed that the Shadowbane forum has once again had a post in it, posted by Zelnik. Well if you had gone to…

Desslock Article

Desslock has updated his latest ramblings with some talk about what Black Isle Studios’ future is, as well as the future of MMORPGs. Here’s a taste: There’s no doubt that Interplay’s Black Isle Studios has been the best friend of…

Equipment and Quest Update

Here are several more pieces of equipment, along with an update to the Hunt for Arachneide quest in Albion. Updated Albion Quests: The Hunt for Arachneide (Campacorentin Forest)Updated Albion Arms (Plate): Lion Embossed VambracesUpdated Albion Belts: Gilded Golden BeltUpdated Albion…

Horizons Development Update

Cutting The Edge has put together a development update for Artifact Entertainment’s upcoming MMORPG, Horizons. It doesn’t include a whole lot of new information, but there is one paragraph that summarizes where they currently stand with the game: The server…

Equipment Update

I’m currently working on the spell listings for all realms, so here’s a smaller Albion equipment update to hold you over until tomorrow. Updated Albion Bracers: MightUpdated Albion Cloaks: Bounder Fur MantleUpdated Albion Gloves (Leather): Bloodied Leather GlovesUpdated Albion Leggings…