Gaming News

You’re still here?

Quick, scan the news and then go see Lord of the Rings! I know I don’t have to tell you that it opens today… well, last night yeah, but your best bet is to leave asap if you don’t yet…

BlueSmoke’s Holiday Buying Map

You’re now being directed to a new edition of BlueSmoke’s Holiday 2001 Buying Guide. The only input required is to click the link, and you will be sped off to the destination mentioned above. If that is not your wish…

Feargus Urquhart, Fallout 3?

On the Black Isle Studio forums, the fearless leader of the company, Feargus Urquhart, has addressed many current issues that BIS now faces. Especially check out the part at the end, which may be excruciatingly good news: Well there is…

Equipment Update

I apologize for the lack of an equipment update yesterday, but there haven’t been many submissions, so my hands are a bit tied to come up with lotsa new equipment. Again, if you possess any equipment not in our armor…

Patch 1.39 Release Notes

Sanya has posted the v1.39 release notes up on Camelot Herald, now that they went officially “live” today. Additionally, she posted the notes for another patch they put up this afternoon that fixes a couple of the problems introduced with…

DAoC RPG of the Year!

GameSpy has named Dark Age of Camelot its RPG of the Year! Here’s a small excerpt from the article: Every seasoned player will gravitate towards the frontiers of the kingdoms to take part in the wars. Join your fellow countrymen…

Here There Be Dragons

Computer Games Online has written an elaborate eight-page article entitled “Here There Be Dragons” that gives an entire history of the most popular role-playing game of all time, Dungeons & Dragons. The article gives a comprehensive look at how Gary…