Gaming News

Dominion Screenshots

Pharaoh Productions has released seven prototype screenshots from their upcoming MMORPG Dominion. Along with the screenshots, there is also a small dialogue from David Allen that starts out like this: It is with great pleasure that I announce the first-ever…

Equipment Update

I apologize for the lack of updates yesterday, but I spent the evening trying to shake a bad case of the flu. Anyway, I feel a little better today, so here’s a decent-sized update with quite a few screenshots sent…

Atriarch Screens

The world has been bereft of news of the MMORPG Atriarch for some time…. Fortunately, that is no longer true, though this news is of the visual kind. The official site has been updated with nine new screenshots of different…

DAoC – Doors Need Balancing?

Thanks to Meatboy for letting us know about a small and well-written article on the subject of Raids in Dark Age of Camelot. In particular, it talks about the imbalance of a Keep’s inner door and specifically that a hundred-strong…

Might & Magic IX Preview

So they finally caught up with Ultima. Good ol’ Might & Magic is back with the 9th in the series, set to come out this Spring. CGO has some new info from the game with a nicely crafted preview and…

Equipment Update

This equipment update isn’t too extravagant, but there aren’t a whole lot of submissions coming in lately (mostly because of the holidays). Again, if you have an item you’d like to see posted, please send us a screenshot and I’ll…

Morrowind Preview

Computer Games Online has gotten their hands on a beta version of Morrowind, giving them the opportunity to write a four-page preview based upon what they saw in the game. Here’s a taste: While Daggerfall let you run through the…

Cheating in Warcraft III has posted an interesting article about the various cheats that may be used in Warcraft III and how Blizzard intends to combat them. Here’s a snippet: You will be able to record games. There is a possibility that a…

Game(s) of the Year Awards

Here’s two links to those who want to spend either some newly acquired Christmas dough, gift certificates, or you simply just need a game and have some time on your hands. The hunting begins with GameSpot’s PC Game of the…

Merry Christmas!

On behalf of all of us here at GameBanshee, I’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Hope all of you get everything you were hoping for =).