Gaming News

NWN Progress Report

For those of you with IGN Insider access (which alot of you don’t have, myself included) you can check out the new NWN progress report that tells you exactly how close you are to “going dungeon crawling, DnD style”. You…

Dark Age of Camelot Overview

Gamasutra has posted an overview that tracks the success (along with the pitfalls) of DAoC. Its quite long but for DAoC fans it is worth the read. You do have to register to read it but its free and its…

Morrowind Media

The foreign gaming site BonusWeb has uploaded a new movie featuring Bethesda’s Morrowind that was captured at a trade show in France. It is available in both AVI and DivX formats and weighs in at about 4 MB.

Chris Taylor Interview was able to track down Chris Taylor of Gas Powered Games at Microsoft’s London office to ask several questions about the game everyone’s talking about, Dungeon Siege. Here’s a snippet: Interfaces for RPGs especially are really important. Can you…

Dungeon Siege Comments @ Gone Gold

Rich at Gone Gold has posted his thoughts of Dungeon Siege, based upon the press copy he received on Friday. This first sentence is exactly how I feel: This is what we were all hoping Diablo II would be and…

Neverwinter Nights Build Update Specifics

BioWare’s community manager, Jay Watamaniuk, created a thread on their official forums to display a detailed work log for Neverwinter Nights from February 6-11. Basically, the work log gives you an idea of what the NWN team is working on…

Freedom Force Hands-On Impressions

IGN PC has put together some hands-on impressions of Freedom Force after playing an updated preview version of Irrational Games’ superhero RPG. Check it out: From this newest build of Freedom Force I learned absolutely nothing I didn’t already know…

Dungeon Siege Preview

As many of you already know, several gaming sites that provide coverage for Gas Powered Games’ upcoming Dungeon Siege received a limited content preview of the game from Microsoft last week. The package contained two CDs that were accompanied by…

Might & Magic IX Screens

ToTheGame was in the RPG spirit today by posting a set of 5 Might & Magic IX screenshots. Pretty? Hmm… it’s the gameplay that matters.