Gaming News

Freedom Force Screenshots

X-Treme Gaming Radio has posted two dozen new screenshots from Irrational Games’ superhero RPG, Freedom Force.

Equipment Update

Here’s another hefty equipment update from both the Albion and Midgard realms. Included in this update is even one of the very nice drops from the Legendary Afanc – the Doom Leggings. Don’t know what the Legendary Afanc is? Check…

Walkthrough Updated

Our Pool of Radiance walkthrough wizard, Demis, has continued with the outdoor areas of Myth Drannor. I’ve just finished posting up the Speculum Grounds, Nightingale Court, Sullymarsh, Glim Gardens, and the Ancient Tomb. Updated Pages: Walkthrough (includes several outdoor areas…

Version 1.46 Patch Notes (Test)

Sanya has made the v1.46 patch notes from Pendragon available on Camelot Herald. Included in this update are more changes for archers and some new spells, among other things: Our first cut at the new resistance buff and debuff system…

Living Up to the Hype

GameSpy has posted an article entitled “Living Up to the Hype” that takes a look at BioWare’s upcoming Neverwinter Nights and whether or not it’s going to live up to the expectations of its enormous fanbase. Here’s a snippet: This…

Icewind Dale II Sub-Race Info

The official Icewind Dale II website has been updated with all the advantages and disadvantages to playing each of the many sub-races available in the game. If you’ve browsed our Icewind Dale II section recently, you’ve probably noticed that I…

New DS Trailer

FilePlanet is headlining a new DS trailer which shows off some of the graphical splendor of the game. Use the above link to check it out!

Lawsuit of Mythic Proportions

You’ve probably all heard about the selling of characters and accounts on EBAY, but you’ve probably never heard of a company whose sole source of income is doing just that. Well, apparently Mythic Entertainment has had enough! They are slapping…

Valentine’s day is here…

… and who says that only we celebrate? Although it may not be Valentine’s day as we know it, even on Aerynth the world of Shadowbane there’s still an influence of love among the “Play 2 Crush” philosophy. Think killing…