Gaming News

Dungeon Siege Press Event Pictures, a German Dungeon Siege fansite, has posted seventeen pictures from the Munich press event with Gas Powered Games’ Chris Taylor.

Chat Wrapup

The chat at Planet Dungeon Siege was a blast, even if the dev’s never showed. The two interviews that were promised by PDS can be found here and here.

Equipment Update

Today’s update includes some of the most powerful items found in Albion (Legendary Afanc, Dartmoor, and Lyonesse), as well as a few Hibernia items. For those of you who are submitting screenshots, you may or may not be aware of…

Icewind Dale II Preview

The Armchair Empire has written up a preview of Black Isle’s upcoming Icewind Dale II. Here’s a snippet: The game will take place about one and a half generations after the events of the original, continuing to allow players to…

Dungeon Siege Chat

There’s a chat due to beggin any minute on mIRC hosted by PDS.The server is “” and the channel is “#planetdungeonsiege”. Sorry about the late news.

Might & Magic IX Hands-off Preview!

Now here’s something to lick one’s chops on – a tasty hands off preview (but well done) from of 3DO’s (read: New World Computing’s) RPG that’s soon to come, Might & Magic IX. Included in the preview are a…

Icewind Dale II Designer Diary #1

Icewind Dale II’s Dave Maldonado has written up a Designer Diary for RPGVault, talking about when the game went into development and what he has worked on. An excerpt to follow: Each designer handled this in his own little way,…

BioWare’s David Chan Speaks

Penny Arcade has posted what looks to be an email from David Chan of BioWare, in which he talks about how he got started into the gaming industry and what exactly he does at BioWare. Here’s a snippet: In the…

Morrowind Site Update

The official Morrowind website has been updated with the following news: A new book called “Night Falls On Sentinel” has been added to the Fiction section. Reading this book in the game increases your Blunt Weapon skill. Also, a new…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

As with every other Friday, Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has posted a Grab Bag Q&A on Camelot Herald. Here’s one of the questions: Q: (Insert buff here) does nothing for my class! Could you change it to be useful to me?…