Gaming News

NWN Eye Candy

BioWare put up a couple new screens from their next RPG, Neverwinter Nights. You can view them here.

Freedom Force As A Development Platform?

A new article on discusses the use of Freedom Force as a development platform, with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine even mentioning the possibility of two sequels in the article. Here ya go: During the course of the conversation, Ken…

Journal and other news

First up, over at SWING! entertainment a new beta journal from the guys on the Euro-beta test of the upcoming game Shadowbane, has been added to the site with a few screenshots. Next up is a FUQ. And it’s a…

Developer Chat @ UnknownPlayer has been updated with news of a developer chat they will be holding tomorrow with employees of various companies that have created MMORPGs. Here are the full details: You have read the Developer Chats… Now take part in the…

Star Wars: KotOR Preview & Interview

BioWare’s recently announced… (Microsoft is the publisher) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is coming out for the Xbox first, according to GameSpot’s 6-page preview, this fall, and then for the PC next spring. An interview with Mike Gallo,…

Asheron’s Call 2 Report

In addition to their DS report, RPGVault has also posted one for Asheron’s Call 2, once again based upon what they saw at the International Games Festival in Vegas: Building upon the key strengths of its first game, Asheron’s Call…

Dungeon Siege Report

The guys at RPGVault have written up a report of Dungeon Siege, based upon their conversation with GPG’s Chris Taylor at the International Games Festival, an event put on by Microsoft last week in Las Vegas. Here’s a snippet: By…

Equipment Update

Unfortunately, we’ve been receiving very few submissions for Midgard, but here’s a decent sized update for Albion and Hibernia. Again, if you would like to contribute to the ever-growing database, please email us your item screenshots. New/Updated Albion Armor: 7…

Camelot Version 1.47 Patch Notes

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has made the full v1.47 patch notes available on Camelot Herald. Introduced in this patch is the ability to take keeps, some additions to hybrid classes, and a few bug fixes. Here’s a rip from what’s changing…

Wonder Woman on Larry King

What does this have to do with RPGs? Lynda Carter has worked on Bethesda’s soon-to-come Morrowind, and will in part talk about her adventures in Elder Scrolls III when she’s interviewed tonight on Larry King (CNN) at 9pm EST. Pete…