Gaming News

Next Everquest Expansion Revealed

A bit late, but Verant leaked the news that they are developing the next expansion to the reigning popularity king of the MMORPG, Everquest, entitled: Planes of Power. You can visit the newly opened Official Page for the game, and…

Might & Magic IX Beta Review takes a mostly positive approach to their nicely done Hands-on Review of the Might & Magic IX Beta (in English, even though this is a Russian site). It’s informative and will help anyone who is considering the purchase when…

Shadowbane Beta Journal

The official Shadowbane website has been updated with a brand new beta journal, which talks about the building of a castle for a band of adventurers to call home. An excerpt to follow: After having created our guild and found…

Dungeon Siege Preview

Dungeon Siege Center has written up a preview of Dungeon Siege, based upon the press copy that has been floating around the internet as of late. Here’s a snippet: A plot needs somewhere to happen, and this aspect of Dungeon…

Freedom Force Demo Impressions

IanStorm has whipped up some impressions of Irrational Games’ recently released Freedom Force demo. Their conclusion: Freedom Force is a rare title that you won’t see everyday, even if you aren’t into super heroes and comics this shouldn’t stop you…

Sanya Thomas Interview

Mistwolf from Classes of Camelot was able to take a tour of Mythic Entertainment and conduct an interview with Sanya herself. Here’s an interesting bit about the graphics problems that plague us all: Mistwolf: “What steps are being taken to…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Once again, Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has cooked up a Friday Grab Bag Q&A over at Camelot Herald full of interesting info like this: Q: Do +pac items actually do anything at this time? A: It appears that +pac, +evade, and…

DAoC Development Update

Mythic Entertainment’s Matt Firor made another post on Camelot Herald letting everyone know what additions to DAoC they are currently working on. Included in his notes are new level 50 class-specific armor, guild housing, and: A huge new mid-to-high level…

Morrowind Preview

It’s open season on the Morrowind beta build, and once again there’s a well written preview of the immensely satisfying RPG at the EvilAvatar, including some extremely nice outdoor scans. Here’s an excerpt: Interface is a huge factor when playing…

Official Morrowind Trailer Available

The Official Morrowind Site just posted their “Official Morrowind Movie Trailer”, available in Quicktime format or two flavors of Windows Media (large and small). This site has all of the links.